The American Rangers Catholic Ministry firmly maintains that a boy cannot grow into the best kind of man and citizen without recognizing an obligation to God as his Creator.
This recognition is exemplified by each youth participant (Ranger) and adult leader (Guide) through active and committed implementation of the American Rangers Guiding Principles during Ranger activities and in his personal life.
The Guiding Principles acknowledge that God calls each of us to a life of Faith, Integrity, Purity, Service and Stewardship.
A Ranger or Guide is a man of faith, called to a life of grace through baptism, and to the profession and regular practice of the Christian religion.
(CCC nos. 1, 1127-1129, 1700).
A Ranger or Guide is called to a moral life that demonstrates an inward motivation to do what is right regardless of the cost.
(CCC nos. 1706, 1709.)
A Ranger or Guide is called to live a life of holiness, being pure of heart, mind, body, word and deed, and reserving sexual activity for the sanctity of holy matrimony (sacramental marriage), a lifelong commitment before God between a man and a woman.
(CCC nos. 1604-1605, 1614-1616, 1716-1720, 1723.)
A Ranger or Guide is called by God to become a responsible member of his family, Church, community and nation through selfless acts that contribute to the welfare of others.
(CCC nos. 910, 1657, 1822-1829, 2239.)
A Ranger or Guide is called to use his God-given time, talents and money wisely.
(CCC nos. 1937, 2429.)